
10 More Minutes

10 More minutes



How it started...(by jeeyoon)

I thought about making this album for quite some time, an then one day I realized, "the time is now." The possibility of reaching people through live performance might be limited, but to share with them through this very "Jeeyoon-like" creation would be achievable. I selected pieces for the album as they are like my good friends and personal to me, so often I perform those as encore, when people ask me to perform just '10 more minutes'. I wanted to create this feeling of wanting to have 10 more minutes of any special experience in life musically. Thus the idea of this album was born. This album is even more special because it was funded and made possible by supports who wanted to see my idea realized. Without them, this would never have been possible. So thank you. 

I hope this to be like a private concert for each listener. And maybe, just maybe, my music will bring you a sense of hope and an abiding joy.


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Released on December 11, 2016

The National CD Release Concert of 10 More Minutes took place at a beautiful venue, an auditorium at TSRI in San Diego. Jeeyoon shared the National CD Release Celebration Concert with 350 audiences, performing selected pieces from the album. 




then now...

10 More Minutes is an album, and a concert at the same time. Jeeyoon is touring with the album nationally and inernationally, meeting audiences as live concerts called "10 More Minutes". One of the unique aspects of her live concerts is that she gives an insightful commentary from the stage, guiding audiences through each pieces she performs. If you see her coming to your city, please join her to share an experience of her live performance, 10 More Minutes.